Love List

It's been so long since I loved anyone in that romantic, let's partner up forever kind of way. Almost half a decade since my last "date." I've pretty much given up on finding love again because it just doesn't seem like it's going to happen. There just aren't many organic ways of meeting suitable partners if you're not in school or the workplace. But don't feel sorry for me. I've had lots of love interests in the past. Some I'd call "love prep" partners, because. . . well, you get what I mean. Some were full on, flat out, all-consuming loves. Looking back, I wonder if that was a good or a bad thing. But that's neither here nor there. With one of those milestone birthdays approaching, I'm looking back and celebrating the romantic loves of my life to date. Here's the list. 1. Steven Louis Hellwig - birthday April 12 hometown - Shoreline, WA Bes...