Share the Joy: Abundance

Please forgive me. Holiday weekends mess with my mind and I'm convinced it's still Wednesday so I'm late posting. I have to admit that lately, with all the getting-the-house-ready-to-sell and trying-to-make-the-new-house-mine- even-though-I'm-not-living-there-yet, I've lost touch with some of the things I love most. I'm not writing. I don't keep a camera close by. So the road trip I mentioned last week was a joyous blessing. I drove to the eastern part of the state -- Pullman specifically -- home of Washington State University, where I started my higher education. There was some material in the university's manuscript collection that pertained to my mother's family's trip by wagon train to Washington Territory in 1862 that I wanted to peruse. Once that was done, I meandered about the two-lane highways and dusty lanes with a map of photo ops. It's farming country, as you can see. ...